Some occupations, such as construction or logistics, involve risks such as falls, cuts, impact and splashes. To protect themselves, the workers concerned must wear appropriate clothing and accessories, known as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

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Some occupations, such as construction or logistics, involve risks such as falls, cuts, impact and splashes. To protect themselves, the workers concerned must wear appropriate clothing and accessories, known as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Intense sports training, physical and/or outdoor jobs in hot weather, trips to tropical countries… in these situations and many more, the body sweats and the sensation of wet fabric can be unpleasant throughout the day.
As you know, some industries have strict professional dress codes. This is the case for medical, health and personal services, and well-being professions.
With heatwaves and summer storms, the summer can be challenging for professionals, especially for those who work outside. And there are lots of them!
Today we’re going to be talking about winter, a demanding season that can be very cold and very wet, when being outdoors requires warm, comfortable and attractive outfits.
Did you know? A fleece jacket is much more than just a fabric, it’s a veritable technology highly recognised in the textile world. In fact, the synthetic fibres of which it is made have the particularity of being hollow.
Oups …