Let’s talk about one of the hottest topics in textiles today …Fast Fashion! What is it, why is it so popular and what are the alternatives? Let’s find out together!
What is Fast Fashion?
The desire to be on trend without spending too much money is shared by many and made possible by fast fashion. It’s a bit like the fast-food of fashion: collections come and go at breakneck speed, allowing everyone to keep up with the latest fashions at low prices…
Criticisms of Fast Fashion
But not everything is rosy in the world of fast fashion, and why? Because fashion is sometimes seen as disposable. You buy something, wear it once or twice, wash it and then leave it forgotten in a cupboard. The result: a mountain of unused clothes.
The very low price of these clothes plays a big role, as does the influence of social media. You see a new trend, want to adopt it straight away, and end up with loads of clothes you don’t want after a few weeks.
The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, and fast fashion is a major contributor with its mass production. This intensive production generates a huge amount of textile waste, and unfortunately these items are often manufactured under difficult working conditions.
Alternatives to Fast Fashion
So what are the alternatives? There are several:
Slow Fashion: Buy less, but better. Timeless, high-quality pieces.
Ethical Brands: Brands that respect the environment and workers.
Textile recycling: Bringing old clothes back to life.
Circular economy: Reusing fabric scraps to create new pieces.
Second-hand clothing: Making something new out of something old. Recovering clothes that have already been worn. It’s good for the planet and good for your wallet.

Fast fashion is exciting and accessible, but it also makes us think about the way we consume. Let’s find a balance between the fun of fashion and respect for the planet. How ? Why not by choosing more sustainable alternatives?