This time we want to shine the spotlight on a collaboration that is close to our hearts, one that has existed for 12 years between the Kimood brand (KARIBAN BRANDS group) and the Kariwala factory, in India.
This partnership was instigated by Matteo Borri, brand manager at KARIBAN BRANDS, with the aim of entrusting Kariwala to manufacture bags from the Conscious by Kimood collection. At TopTex we are proud to distribute these bags made in India from natural fibres by women.
Let’s start with some history: why India? The cradle of the textile industry, India is one of the world’s biggest producers of cotton, silk and jute! Not forgetting that 95% of hand-woven textiles also come from the country. In short, India is an essential reference in the world of textiles, thanks to age-old expertise that has been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.
Over time, some Indian factories have taken up the challenge of becoming environmentally and ethically committed. They produce and export sustainable textiles, made with respect for the women who work on them. This is true of Kariwala Ltd Industries, who we’re going to tell you about in this article.
Let’s find out about a small manufacturer that has become a preferred partner for a number of brands, including Kimood, and the way in which they has been working with Matteo Borri for more than a decade. Next stop Kolkata!
What is Kariwala?
Founded in 1989, Kariwala was a small textiles manufacturer who produced and exported high-quality workwear.
What has made it different since the very start? A focus on the future and a marked awareness of the socio-environmental impact of the textile industry. A solid philosophy, which has allowed the factory to extend and diversify its production as time has gone by: industrial and corporate clothing, work uniforms, protective equipment, eco-friendly bags and fashion accessories.
What has been the result? An approach that has attracted numerous brands in over 40 countries that sell “no label” sustainable clothing and accessories manufactured in the Kariwala factory.

Sustainable materials and factory certifications: Kariwala uses management methods that respect both its employees AND natural resources.
A factory that works to support women and their health
In a country like India, access to education, work and sanitation is not always possible, particularly for women. Kariwala has decided to fight this social issue with genuine action, employing women and making them a priority:
- The two factories (based in Kolkata) are equipped with crèches and parks that welcome employees’ children during working hours.
- The women employed by Kariwala benefit from training and stable employment, which can help them get out of a precarious situation and meet the needs of their families.
- Salaries and employment conditions are non-discriminatory
- Women have access to positions of responsibility and are taken into account, listened to and supported (maternity leave, childcare, classes and lessons at weekends, etc.)
- Kariwala confirms this strong commitment to equality between men and women by signing the United Nations global charter on Women’s Empowerment Principles.
- Employee health is also a key issue in Kariwala’s factories: its ISO 45001 certification bears witness to its desire to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Once a year, workers and inhabitants of the surrounding village are offered medical care. Further proof of the attention paid by the Kariwala directors to their teams and community.

The environment: the heart of Kariwala’s concerns
When it comes to environmental initiatives, carefully considered processes allow the factory’s carbon footprint and water consumption to be kept to a minimum:
- Solar panels and solar water heaters have been installed on the buildings’ roofs to produce electricity and naturally heat the water to be used in the steam irons.
- Rainwater is collected as quickly as possible to be introduced into the clothing and accessories production process. Dirty water is filtered and sanitised on site.
- Thanks to inks that are free from toxic substances, the water used to rinse the branded or printed clothing can be used in the gardens to ensure nothing is wasted.

Making a genuine and verifiable commitment? The gamble has paid off for Kariwala and its efforts have been rewarded.
The factory is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the most comprehensive and recognised CSR initiative in the world. In response to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 10 principles of the Global Compact, Kariwala affirms its position as a sustainable and responsible company. Source: UN Global Compact Publication – September 2022
A key partner for the Conscious by Kimood collection
Convinced by Kariwala’s values, Matteo Borri wasted no time instigating a long-term partnership with the Kariwala production centre. His aim was to offer high-quality AND eco-friendly bags made with respect for those who work on them.
What was Matteo’s motivation? A fair world for everyone, men and women, reasonable use of resources and respect for nature… Never at the expense of quality!
Kariwala and Matteo were on the same wavelength: offering eco-friendly designs, but while remembering that the end users are looking for sturdy and high-performance products.
To ensure that its products have a high level of finish, the factory is equipped with the latest generation machines throughout the manufacturing chain.
At the same time, independent and unbiased bodies regularly check compliance with certification standards. For some certificates, the quality of the finished product is an integral part of the specification; conformity on this point is therefore the guarantee of hard-wearing textile items.
Finally, this win-win relationship between brands (like Kimood) and Kariwala has lasted.
Thanks to the order commitments made by the brands that outsource their production, Kariwala Ltd. Industries generates revenue that allows the structure to invest, modernise and support even more women in India.
Pieces from the Conscious by Kimood collection:

Cotton canvas shopper bag

Jute canvas tote - large

Beach bag Kimood
What is it that makes Concious by Kimood bags special? 100% eco-friendly and sustainable design at every stage:
- Natural or organic materials: jute, cotton or juco (a blend of cotton and jute fibres), and certified products
- Items of varying size and thickness, sometimes even in cooler or sport versions, made by women paid fairly for their work
- Different colourways and articles that are easy to decorate, with packaging made from recycled materials: paper for cardboard and polyester for polybags
A partnership that echoes our values

Shopping bag in cotton and woven jute threads
This partnership is something of which KARIBAN BRANDS, Kimood and TopTex are all extremely proud. We are delighted to be able to offer a wide range of bags from the Conscious collection in our e-shop, all made in India at the Kariwala production centre.
Natural plant materials (jute, cotton & juco), fashionable colourways, varied shapes and sizes, all to help you offer tote bags to be decorated by your customers. A must-have eco-friendly version!
Finally, the one thing to remember about this partnership is that it resonates on every level:
- Kariwala Ltd Industries are constantly looking for social and environmental innovations, and each brand that works with the company offers visibility and revenue that are key to its development.
- Matteo Borri has an affinity with its deeply-held values and develops Kimood’s business in a carefully considered out way, giving respect for the environment pride of place.
- KARIBAN BRANDS is able to maintain its quality standards while reducing the impact of its products as much as possible throughout the manufacturing chain.
- And at TopTex, this partnership allows us to offer our customers increasingly eco-friendly items with a choice that keeps getting bigger.
It’s a great story with plenty of people involved, all united by the same desire for progress.
Conscious Collection: nearly 100 bag references!

So now you know how the commitments made by the Kariwala factory managed to attract Matteo Borri, followed by KARIBAN BRANDS and TopTex.
A virtuous partnership that we all support, at a time when the importance of socio-environmental issues is becoming increasingly pressing for companies all over the world.
This concept is roundly taken into consideration by KARIBAN BRANDS and Kimood, who introduce approaches with a positive impact as soon as possible:
- The K-loop project: at the heart of the circular economy
- In-conversion cotton, a temporary alternative to certified organic cotton to contribute to rational use of land and resources
- Strict certifications, a guarantee of responsibly produced products
At TopTex, we are always looking for the most rational approach possible and we are lucky enough to be able to count on carefully chosen and committed partners who are passionate about upholding our values. If you have any questions about the Conscious by Kimood collection or would like help making the right choice, contact our teams, who will be delighted to assist you.